Benefits Of America To The Patriot Act

Superior Essays
American citizens favor their civil liberties granted by the law and by the Constitution. Civil liberties are freedoms of a citizen granted by the U.S. Constitution without arbitrary government abridgement. Arbitrary meaning based solely on the government’s whim if an unpopular message was said or even implied. They are important because those freedoms protect the people from an oppressive government and other oppressive citizens. These rights include the freedom of assembly, petition, press, religion, speech and civil rights. The rights separate the United States from a tyrannical government ever since the creation of the country itself. The preservation of civil rights is a keystone of democracy. This allows the United States of America to …show more content…
The act was used by police forces in Boston, Los Angeles, New York City, Minneapolis, San Francisco and in the Muslim prominent city of Dearborn, Michigan with assistance from the Federal Bureau of Investigation to spy on mosques or Muslim prayer centers. This was done by informants infiltrating the mosques to spy within. They also monitored e-mails from prominent Muslim-Americans in their communities without proof of wrongdoing. The police departments were able to because of the fears of other Muslim terror attacks in America after the September 11 attacks. As said by Gabriel Rubin, polls highlight that most Americans wanted to impede on the civil liberties of Arab or Muslim immigrants (73). Lawmakers were able to do this because a majority of Americans, immediately after the terror attacks wanted to scapegoat Muslim-Americans. The FBI spies go against Muslim-Americans’ First Amendment right of the freedom of religion where Muslim-Americans are able to practice their religion without government interference. The fear of Americans who follow Islam also extends to politicians. Miah Malik argues that the Patriot Act fueled, "King and others of his ilk are pandering to bigots. . . Scapegoating Muslims can win elections" (39).” Those who support hindering the rights of Muslim-Americans, such as New York Representative, Peter Kind, who claims the Muslim-American community is completely run by fundamentalist radicals, are also seen supporting the Patriot Act. Those politicians follow through with their policies to be reelected and win seats in their representative districts. They use the fear of Muslim-Americans from terror attacks to win votes and hamper Muslim-American liberties in particular. A secondary purpose of the Bill of Rights is to protect minority Americans’ rights, including Muslim-Americans from the inclination of the majority. Minority rights is also a key

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