Everything God Does In The Work Of Ministry Analysis

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Prayer is the most essential task in the life of a believer and certainly vital to a healthy relationship with God. Dave Earley shares, “Everything God does in the work of ministry. He does through prayer’ (2008, 9). The disciples realized the importance of prayer by asking Jesus to teach them one simple thing. They asked, “Teach us to pray” (Luke 11:1).
Prayer was a significant part of Christ’s life and ministry, and he believed that prayer works when effectively used in conjunction with faith and power. All too often, the adversary drives Christians to believe that prayer is ineffective; therefore, requests should not be made unto God. Jesus makes a vital point throughout scripture that when believers ask through prayer and it is by faith,
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Jesus saw prayer as his number one priority, not as a last recourse. He would get up early in the morning to make his way to the mountainside and pray alone. Although sometimes Christ would take his disciples with him while he prayed, he would still go to his place of solidarity to communion with God. He knew the importance of getting away from distractions and the crowds in order to focus on the task at hand.
Even though it was essential for Christ to get away from his disciples and the crowds in order to pray privately, he did not neglect to meet with others in order to encourage them through prayer (Heb. 10:25). Community prayer and gathering are vital functions of the Christians worship experience. However, praying in public to be seen or to receive praise is not what God intended for believers. When believers come together for prayer, it strengthens the believer’s private prayer life.
Further, community and corporate prayer allow believers the opportunity to pray for others. Jesus prayed for his disciples by asking God to protect those that were given to him. He prayed for them to be one as he and the Father are one, and to make them complete (Jn 17:9-26). People are healed, delivered, and set free from both private and public prayers. James shares, “Are any among you sick? They should call for the elders of the church and have them pray over them” (Js

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