Gentrification is happening in my neighborhood. The “Trump Village Shopping Center” located in brighton beach is host to a dozen stores for the neighborhood of many high rise apartment buildings. It is said once its torn down there will be a 40-story apartment complex. Residents aren’t happy about hearing about this as most of whom live in the area are senior citizens with limited mobility. This will cause distress for many as a neighborhood with many people, the closing of many stores that most depend on such as the post office, banks, and restaurants will greatly affect daily lives. With re-development of the community many peoples …show more content…
ABD is more powerful means of moving people out of their homes. In gentrification the rich person is taking and buying out the land that people are using. While ABD is more of a private event where the government is involved. For the working class it comes out to a loss in living standards as their life gets completely changed around. The people with capital wealth take advantage of their assets. They know the people that have barely anything will not be able to fight back. The government is more likely to destroy places that the poor inhabit than the other wealthy citizen as there is more power in being able to