Image Of Freedom Research Paper

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Freedom, according to the dictionary, means "the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hinderance or restraint.", when we think of the word freedom we visualize ourselves to be completely free, we imagine there's no barrier, no cage, nothing that's keeping us away from what we want to do. In our head, the image of freedom is that of a bird leaving it's cage and flying away, but is absolute freedom a good thing? Is it the solution? Is it desirable?

There's an Italian movie, Malena. It is a story of a beautiful lady who's envied by every female of the city, and admired by every men, of all ages. Women used to talk about her behind her back, but never dared to take any step further since they were all under the rule of
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It is not a difficult thing to understand, everything follows an order. For example, the laws of physics that put everything into place, the law of gravity that allows us to keep our feet on the ground and to walk freely, or the laws of motion that rule the way everything revolves in the universe. All, including our selves and our societies is subject to such universal laws. So then, it is also not difficult to understand that everything entails rules to exist as well. Now, if everything in the universe was free to act, if every electron, atom and cell had a free will, then the universe would be chaotic and nothing would be bonded together, and that would be because we are missing the most essential ingredient: the balance.

There's no doubt that freedom is really important, people like Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Jinnah fought for the freedom of their respective nations. People have struggled for freedom, people have fought for freedom and died for freedom but some of those people have also taken advantage of the freedom given to them and they have become murderers, thieves, terrorists, tyrants or parasites of societies. This is why governments are created which create laws, moderates it and organizes it to protect the citizen of the
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Countries like North Korea, Kazakhstan and Georgia are known to keep a check on the activities of it's citizen online, thus depreving them of their basic right of freedom of speech. The surveillance and interference of the state in the private life of it's citizen is not only limited to the third world countries, but superpower like USA is also knows for doing surveillance on it's citizen, and people from other countries. A common citizen in USA is considered less free than a citizen of Pakistan because the powerful state machinery keeps a check on his activities, whereas this is not the case in Pakistan because of lack of

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