Confederate Statues In American Culture

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The articles I have analyzed for the past few weeks discuss the controversy over Confederate Statues. In the article "Confederate Statues and American Memory" by Roger Cohen, he presents a solution to the question of what should become of these statues; suggesting that the statues be removed from pedestals and placed in museums. While in the article "Confederate Statues and "our" History by Eric Foner, he discusses a statement made by President Trump discussing how the removal of these statues will destroy "our" history and heritage. Foner questions exactly whose history is being destroyed and who is included in "our", while elaborating on why these statues should be removed. A reminder of white supremacy, misleading history, slavery and the mistreatment of African Americans by those represented in confederate statues are causes of why many want to see these statues removed.

The misleading and half told truth of America's past history has led Americans to have different perspectives of what Confederate Statues stand for. For example, Foner elaborates on Trump's use of the word our when talking about removing statues will destroy "our" history and heritage. The word "our" in Trump's Statement is supposed
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From being counted as three-fifths of a person to separate schools, bathrooms and water fountains, to injustice in the judicial system. Cohen states that during slavery it was said that blacks were not equal to the white men and that they were only good as slaves. An example of those in the Confederate era not seeing blacks as equal. While Foner discusses a court case where the judge made a statement that African Americans will always be aliens and not Americans. People want to see the statues of men who saw certain races as inferior to their own race while fighting to keep it that way removed because it is once again a constant reminder of

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