The Harmful Effects Of Steroids On The Human Body

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Do steroids really have a negative effect? Steroids have many harmful effects on the human body. The effects vary in extreme ways. Steroids have many harmful/negative effects on the body.
Steroids are awful for your your body they might make your physical appearance look bigger or look more fit and stronger but it truly isn't worth it. Steroids have different causes that make this performance enhancer a very bad thing. For 1 it can cause acne this doesn't always happen but when it does the only way to get rid of this completely is to stop using the drug completely. For men it can make you much much bigger but it can cause lady like features such as breast development in men. If you take steroids regularly it can cause up to 47 percent more of a chance to have a heart attack. Steroids cause damage to the liver in various way such as liver cancer, and liver infections from not being properly used. Bone loss and weakened tendons are in 6/10 steroid users. All of these side effects can be stopped if you are to stop using steroids.
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Steroids cause baldness in men. 3/10 of all male body builders have testicular atrophy and/or gynecomastia. Steroids stunts 4/10 mens growth before the age of 17. Yellowing of eyes is a extremely common factor in all steroid users, all of these things are irreversible symptoms of steroid use.

Causes of prolonged steroid use for men that are using anabolic steroids are. Shrinking of the testicles, lowered sex drive, erectile dysfunction, and reduced sperm. All of these factors can be changed or reversed if you stop taking steroids. These typically start to happen about 6 weeks into taking steroids. There is a after effect when you stop taking steroids but it is no compare to the things that can happen and that are happening to your body while you're taking steroids, so stop and get help before it's too

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