The Embodiment Of The Positive Freedom In Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter

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The Embodiment of the Positive Freedom in Hester Prynne The decision of whether one should avoid or face and complete their obstacles is one humans struggle with daily, and is a key component to transcendental ideals. The critique of Frederic I. Carpenter on Hawthorne’s work, The Scarlet Letter, states how Hester Prynne, through trusting herself and living with intent, was able to overcome her obstacles and be the vision of positive freedom instead of mere escape. This statement is proven to be true when Hester, in Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, accepts the “A”, leading her to both create and live by her own purpose and break from her given sphere as a Puritan woman.
Hester defines a purpose for her herself to live by, showing the transcendental

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