Petar Primestrovic’s cartoon shows a young boy watching TV and surfing through channels that show some intense topics. The first slide shows the boy watching the TV with the screen titled “War” with the violent scene of a battle. As the boy flips through the channels he also sees titles such as “Terror, Recession, Climate Change, and Swine Flu.” The boy then turns off the TV to and heads to his computer to play a video game. But only then does the boy’s father yell at him for viewing graphic content. Video games have always been a controversial topic. Today, many parents are concerned with their kids getting ahold of violent games that they believe could harm their child. It is true, that there are many graphic and intense video games that kids should not be allowed to play at such a young age. However, just as this cartoon suggests parents should be far more concerned with many other types of media that can negatively impact their children. In the cartoon the boy saw many graphic and intense topics that the world faces today; many of which is very inappropriate for a kid at such a young age. So, when parents scold their kids for playing violent games but allow them to view TV so freely they really are not doing their child any good. Simply put, it is unfair to target video to target video games for violence when so many other media can harm people just as easily. Perhaps the main reason people are so concerned with video games is the fact for the most part the actions in the game are controlled by the player. …show more content…
Many studies and reports have been taken in the matter of how video games effect kids. A report has shown that when a large group of kids played a violent game some of them became a little aggressive but not all of them (Zheng & Zhang 3). Some people argue that when children play violent video games they may think “Maybe I should try this in real life.” This idea alone is not a good enough reason to target video games especially when the same can be said about other media sources. Many violent acts appear on movies, TV shows, and even cartoons. So, when kids see their favorite character committing a violent or dangerous act why would they not think the same thing? Another troubling matter is that some parents may not be aware of what their child is watching. With services, such as YouTube, Netflix, and many other sources,