There is a time and place for everything. Broadcasting to the world every aspect of one’s life on social media is not only pushing the limits of over sharing, but it may also make one undesirable to agencies that they have applied to work for. Yes, there should be regulations on searching potential employees but we need to own up to their side of the spectrum as well. As people living in a digital age, we need to be weary of the type of information and the content of our sharing. The blame cannot be solely put on a company if they find out that someone is engaging in activities that a company does not want to be associated with. Posting everything that a person does on the internet creates a chronological trail of “digital dirt” that they have left behind and this may hinder future …show more content…
Though the joys of the internet are many, it is far too easy for adults as well as a younger generation to get caught up in a place where they have the entire world at their fingertips. According to Daniel Okrent, children “are plunging into a whole world of influences and values and enticements that is, most of the time, hidden from our view” (Okrent par.3). In his article he stresses the importance of parental monitoring when it comes to the next generation using the internet. It is all too easy for an unattended eight-year-old to get on the internet and see things that will rob them of their innocence. It is also easy for a teenage girl to meet someone that is not who they claim to be and that can lead to dyer consequence’s. Children need to be monitored and taught the dangers of the internet. We simply cannot ignore this fact. It does not guarantee that all problems will be solved but it will certainly help ease them into this lifestyle that is not going away any time soon. This will not only help them safely grow in a potentially dangerous environment, but this type of guidance will build a firm foundation on which children can stand on as they move into adult hood and hopefully