The Dragon Whose Name Is Fear: Poem Analysis

Improved Essays
Mikayla Jacobs
English 12
29 September 2014
The Dragon Whose Name Is Fear If you listen here, you will notice a dragon that many people fight. A dragon called Fear. This dragon is strong, it is powerful. This dragon knows how to manipulate every situation you go through as an individual. The way you must fight this “Fear” will differ, especially based on each person and each of their different situations. It is hard to predict the outcome when you fight this dragon. The fight could result in victory, or, in failure. It will all depend on how you guard your kingdom.
“Or eke that that kingdom henceforward should choose;
Yet him midst of the folk with friend-lore he held,
All kindly with honour till older he waxed
And wielded the Weder-Geats.
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Yea, good was that king.” I myself tend to value other people’s opinions too much. I have let Fear control how I act. I have let this terrible dragon take control of who I am and I have learned great lessons from these mistakes. I have always said that I will not let anything change who I am; that I would never compromise for anything. Over time, I have not kept to my promise. I have let this dragon destroy my kingdom and take away the happiness I once had.
“In the night comes in Grendel's Mother, and catches up Aeschere, a thane of Hrothgar, and carries him off to her lair. In the morning is Beowulf fetched to Hrothgar, who tells him of this new grief and craves his
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It will no longer be victorious. In order to protect myself and my kingdom from Fear I will keep my guard high. I will make my walls thicker and higher. There will be no way that Fear can come above or through my kingdoms walls. I will learn to love myself and my ways for what they are, and I will no longer have fear of other people’s thoughts and opinions of me and my kingdom.
“New by a ness, by narrow-crafts fasten'd;
Within there then bare of the treasures of earls
That herd of the rings a deal hard to carry,
Of gold fair beplated, and few words he quoth:
Hold thou, O earth, now, since heroes may hold not,
The owning of earls. What! it erst within thee
Good men did get to them; now war-death hath gotten,
Life-bale the fearful, each man and every
Of my folk; e'en of them who forwent the life:” There will never be a true victory against this dragon, not for myself that is. You see, there will always be Fear you cannot kill such a thing, not to my knowledge at least. On the other hand, you can hold it back as much as you can. You must hold it back as long as you can as well, even until the day you die. This dragon cannot control your kingdom, for you are the Kings and Queens of your own kingdoms. Do not let your kingdom be overthrown by this dragon called Fear. It will not be easy, but it will be worth

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