The Devil In Act One Analysis

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) This play shines a spotlight on the racism and injustice in which the black Americans had to go through while facing many disadvantages during the 1950's. In short they were discriminated; from public services, to cafes and restaurants. After the American Civil War in 1865, black people in the American south were no longer slaves. But they had never gained equality with whites. Blacks had remained second classed citizens throughout their movement to America, with the worst paid unskilled jobs in farms and factories.
Unlike the exaggerated stories and hopes for institutionalized change at his workplace that defined Troy in Act One, scene one, the next side of Troy that Wilson introduces us to is critical of dreams and hopes. Troy criticizes Rose's enjoyment of playing numbers, a game like the lottery that Lyons also enjoys. Troy displays his sense of responsibility in his reaction to Rose's hobby, but simultaneously provides evidence of his selfish treatment of Rose. Rose had humored Troy when Troy went on for several minutes about his battle with the Devil in Act One, scene one, but Troy cannot give Rose an inch when she talks about numbers, an activity that she enjoys as much as Troy enjoys telling his stories. This argument between them about the numbers is an example of how Troy is insensitive to Rose's needs.
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Certain that athletics hold no hope of a better life for his son, Troy refuses to sign the necessary papers, effectively denying Cory his chance at a college education. In Rose’s conversation with Cory during the funeral preparations on page 1015-1016, she was defending Troy by stating, “Your daddy wanted you to be everything he wasn’t…and at the same time he tried to make you into everything he was. I don’t know if he was right or wrong…but I do know he meant to do more good than he meant to do

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