The DSM Controversy

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The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, also known as the DSM, contains an exhaustive amount of variety when it comes to mental disorders. These mental disorders are classified in clusters to benefit psychiatrists and scholars who are interested in understanding and perhaps treating the mentally ill. From its first launch in 1952, to its fifth edition version in 2013, the DSM has over gone many revisions; however, these revisions stem from the problems and controversies within this scientific text. Judgement and controversy have been placed on the DSM for many reasons. The revisions of this text circle around the DSM's scientific validity, the vague distinction between "normal" and "non-normal" behaviors, as well as the struggle …show more content…
On page 25 of Sociology of Mental Disorders, we see that over the course of the first three editions of the DSM, the classification system was under scrutiny. The reason that the text's validity was under question was because the information was based on the opinion of professionals, case studies, and observations of mental health experts. Even though the previously stated sources are compelling, it is not as concrete and scientific without the influence of scientific study and research. Eventually this did take place in the DSM-5, but criticisms still continue due to the fact that the information should be derived from the biological, genetic, and neurological perspective rather than through research. Even though this may sound counterintuitive, scripting information in a perplexing field such as mental health and disorders simply through research is confining in itself. I believe that is what the National Institute of Mental Health was trying to explain in their dissatisfaction with the previous DSM. This leads into the understanding of behaviors derived from the individuals mental …show more content…
Without proper identification of illnesses and their symptoms, there is the possibility we are creating disorders that could be in fact normal behavior, or easily corrected. On page 26 we are given two examples of disorders in the DSM that are questionable in their nature. The example of "disorder of written expression" and "oppositional defiant disorder" are given in the book as types of mental disorders that tip on the edge as true illnesses. Even though these disorders represent behaviors that a small population may have, it does not necessarily mean it is abnormal

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