The Controversy Over The Use Of Animal Testing In Computer Science

Decent Essays
First of all, the animal testings are support by the scientists. A vote ( Nature 2011) invited 1000 scientists for comments, and more than 90% of them agreed that animal tests have a important position in research. One of them said that he had invite some people to visit his experiment and more than 98% of visitor indicate that they can understand the importance of the test. At the same time, they think the test did not violate the humanitarian. Except the scientists in the research area, some scientist from other organization also support the animal tests. Their support based that animals are the best choice to detect whether something can damage people and environment or not. Some people think that the computer can do some research instead the animal testing, this idea is absolutely wrong. …show more content…
Now, people can do some basic experiment on cells, but it can not reflex the complex reaction inside the body. For example, people have tried to establish a model of mouse’s brain which operate in 10 seconds, but the speed of model was 10 times slower than the original in fact. This model was designed by the most powerful computer in the world. Computer can instead some of animal test, but not all of the tests can be alternated. Animals will have same disease as human, such as Diabetes. Actually the Insulin was found from dogs. Mammal and human have the same ancestry, it means that people and mammals have the similar DNA, Respiratory system, Circulatory system and Endocrine System. That is why the scientists support the animal test and the importance of animal test can not be

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