Slavery: The Role Of Human Trafficking In The Modern World

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Although slavery is illegal, it still exists in the form of modern human trafficking. Human trafficking is the buying and selling of people and forcing them to work under deception and abuse for exploitation purposes. Over 30 million people in the world are affected by this very profitable, $150 billion a year industry (Not For Sale). While sex trafficking is the most well known form of slavery, labor trafficking is the most common. Laborers are sold for an average of $4,000 each and are indebted to their owners for the rest of their lives (Not For Sale). Astronomical interest rates are added onto food, shelter, travel fees, and other debts that are incurred so that their obligations can never be repaid (Not For Sale). Sex traffickers earn approximately $21,800 per person sold, with women and girls comprising 98 percent of the victims. Runaways, homeless, and other economically unstable individuals become easy prey for traffickers (Not For Sale). Something must be done to end modern day slavery. There are many campaigns and advocacy groups that offer plausible solutions to this worldwide problem. It is possible that human trafficking can be eradicated if governments and businesses are shown that economic trade can be …show more content…
Ancient slavery is still practiced in our modern world, and not just in the third world countries. The United States overwhelmingly profits from this industry on a daily basis. Men and boys are bought and sold as hard labor workers, while women and girls are typically sold to the sex trade. These barbaric practices must end. There have been many attempts in the past to eradicate the problem, but it is still too lucrative of an industry for criminals to give up. Businesses and organizations must join together to confront traffickers and their governments, to suggest other alternatives. Only an international, concerted, parallel effort ensures the successful elimination of human

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