Steven Plaut's The Joy Of Capitalism

Superior Essays
Friedman argues that, “the great achievement of capitalism,” unlike what its critics claim, has not been “accumulation of property” but instead “the opportunities it has offered to men and women to extend and develop and improve their capacities” (Friedman, 2002: 169). Neoliberal advocates at the World Bank who draw from Friedman’s promises of freedom of choice and progress, have developed a promising “all inclusive” Kurdistan Vision 2020. They too argue their vision is for the greater good of “men and women” in Kurdistan to “improve their capacities”. First, they have trained and convinced the ruling leaders and the elite. As Friedman confesses, in capitalist societies, “…it is only necessary to convince a few wealthy people to get funds to …show more content…
Thus, neoliberalism requires that states around the world, regardless of their political makeup, need to reengineer themselves through new market laws. In other words, like capitalism, which for its success, as a “mutable system” has to remain in “perpetual change” (Bookchin, 2015: 3), neoliberalism requires to bring about more change. Bookchin echoes Marx’s argument similarly. There are other capitalist notions, which find their way into neoliberalism. In his book The Joy of Capitalism, Steven Plaut explains,

“A child born smart or taught self-discipline receives an economic endowment that can be useful to increase future earnings and consumption, just like the child who inherits daddy’s oil well.”(Plaut, 1985: 37).

Therefore, with the right education, capitalist training and the right individual “self-discipline,” children of the rich and poor are promised they too can increase their wealth and continue consuming under both capitalism and neoliberalism; just like children of oil rich
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These works both in the North and South have relied on intensive ethnographic studies carried out cross culturally offer intimate looks into the varying ways in which capitalism-neoliberalism in their multifaceted form have affected people and societies. How it continued to lead to “accumulation by dispossession” (Harvey 2007). I draw from these works to find similarities and bring about the unique case of Kurdistan into the discussion. For more insightful work on neoliberalism, see (Harvey 2005; Ong 2006; Wacquant, 2012; Brown 2015 and Eagleton-Pierce

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