There was little to no food left in the city. The king realized that he needed to find a way of feeding his people. So he had to come up with a new plan. The king was now taking all the farmer’s food that they grew in order to feed their household. But they didn’t give it up easy, “farmers hoarded grain to sell on the black market at a higher price”(Steel,199). In Order to stop the hoarders, new laws are passed such as “the Terror”. This law provoked violence between the working class and the government, stated to take harsh measures against those suspected of being enemies of the Revolution. Allowing armies to order troops to any farmer that was suspected of hoarding grain, and forcing them to hand it over. If hoarders, priests, and nobles didn’t obey, it would result in mass decapitations to anyone who didn’t obligate the higher power. Lastly, another reason why the french revolution started was because during the enlightenment period, people started questioning the royal courts legitimacy. “Until a King is dragged to Tyburn with no more pomp than the meanest criminal, the people will
There was little to no food left in the city. The king realized that he needed to find a way of feeding his people. So he had to come up with a new plan. The king was now taking all the farmer’s food that they grew in order to feed their household. But they didn’t give it up easy, “farmers hoarded grain to sell on the black market at a higher price”(Steel,199). In Order to stop the hoarders, new laws are passed such as “the Terror”. This law provoked violence between the working class and the government, stated to take harsh measures against those suspected of being enemies of the Revolution. Allowing armies to order troops to any farmer that was suspected of hoarding grain, and forcing them to hand it over. If hoarders, priests, and nobles didn’t obey, it would result in mass decapitations to anyone who didn’t obligate the higher power. Lastly, another reason why the french revolution started was because during the enlightenment period, people started questioning the royal courts legitimacy. “Until a King is dragged to Tyburn with no more pomp than the meanest criminal, the people will