The color red has always had some significant meaning, whether it is in real life, myths, legends, or even fairy tales. Two fairy tales which illustrate the symbolic meaning of the color red are two tales about Snow White; Brothers Grimm’s “Snow White” and Lasiar Gheug, “The King of Ireland’s Daughter.” In these fairy tales red resembles the opportunity for women to be rescued by a prince and possibly reach sexual maturity, but the shedding of blood is symbolic and necessary for women to reach their sexual maturity. The women who fully mature give birth to one or more children, whereas the woman who does not shed any blood does not give birth. The color of red and the shedding of blood must …show more content…
She is described as being “as red as blood” this gives Snow White the possibility to become sexually mature but it does not insure that she will be (83). Before Snow White is rescued by the prince she becomes poised by a beautiful red apple given to her by her evil stepmother; the color red is present once again and it leads to her being rescued. The red apple gives Snow White the opportunity to mature but never does Snow White shed any blood, therefore she does not sexually mature. The absence of Snow White bearing children is evidence that she was not sexually mature, signifying that the sole presence of red does not indicate a woman has sexually matured. The fairy tale is ended with Snow White being rescued and the illusion that she lives happily ever after.
In the fairy tale of Lasiar Gheug, “The King of Ireland’s Daughter” the opportunity for sexual maturity, the shedding of blood, and the actual process of sexual maturing is visible through the same person. The color red is present in the translation of her name “flame of branches” giving Lasiar Gheug the opportunity to become sexually mature. As seen through Snow White in the Brothers Grimm’s version the color of red alone is not enough to suggest the woman will become sexually mature; blood must be shed in order for the process to be …show more content…
The major difference is the significant element of shedding blood allowing these women to sexually mature. In the Brothers Grimm’s tale we are able to see that shedding blood is the key element for full sexual maturity through the mother. With Snow White, she has the possibility to fully mature from the red throughout the story but the absence of blood shed does not allow her to mature; therefor she does not bear children. For Lasiar Gheug the color red is present before she matures and she sheds blood which immediately leads to her sexual maturing and three sons. Both elements are equally important, for a woman to fully sexually mature both elements must be