Sir Walter Raleigh's Injustice

Decent Essays
Sir Walter Raleigh was an explorer that had been the favorite of the Queen Elizabeth I. Raleigh was accused of treason for many things. He was the favorite of the queen until he secretly married Lady Elizabeth Throckmorton. Raleigh denied a request from the King to not attack the Spanish. Raleigh married Lady Elizabeth Throckmorton. Which made Queen Elizabeth mad.
Then Raleigh’s men disobeyed King James and attack the Spanish when Raleigh was not there. But Raleigh still got punished by King James. Sir Walter Raleigh was sentenced to the Tower of London by the queen the first time. Raleigh was then released by King James who told him to go to North America to start a colony which failed and his men attack the Spanish. He was sentenced to the

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