Similarities Between The Yellow Wallpaper And Herland

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SA2.1 Recognizing Repudiation (Revised) Katherine Fusco’s essay “Systems, Not Men” critiques the private and public systems of the working woman as seen through Charlotte Gilman’s racist and classist book “Herland.” The commonality in “Herland” with Gilman’s short story “The Yellow Wallpaper” is basic rights, though the latter more describes basic human rights as seen through the female protagonist while the other describes workers rights. Though “Herland” written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman shows the connection between systems of women and work in society one can see through her short story “The Yellow Wallpaper” that Gilman, instead of focusing on society, focuses on the immediate family system through a less racist view a woman’s perspective and individual struggle with disenfranchisement. …show more content…
The Yellow Wallpaper shows the harsh reality for a woman in who has been prescribed the Rest Cure. An anti-stimulus prescription for what can best be described as post-baby apathy and depression. Though leading lavish lives, “The Yellow Wallpaper”, aims to dive into the nitty gritty of an illness now commonly referred to now as postpartum depression. The awful turns taken in this story grant the reader a glimpse of how disenfranchisement is detrimental to the woman’s

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