Similarities Between Catcher In The Rye And Their Eyes Were Watching God

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The Catcher in the Rye vs Their Eyes Were Watching God

The narrator and protagonist of the novel, The Catcher in the Rye, written by J.D Salinger, is Holden, a sixteen year old boy who gets kicked out of school because he is not doing well. He finds the world around him ugly and through his doubts, he tries to protect himself from the disappointment of adulthood. He has a mental breakdown when he realizes that is it is impossible for him to separate childhood from adulthood. Throughout the novel, he is very mean and disrespectful to everyone around him, except his sister, Phoebe. In the second novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God, written by Zora Neale Hurston, the protagonist, Janie, is a black woman with white ancestry, who was raised by her
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She goes through two marriages before she finds her true love. The first man was chosen by her grandmother, while the second was some rich man. Janie was always dreaming and looking for happiness. Holden and Janie are very different characters except for one similarity that they both share in the beginning of both novels. Both Holden and Janie are sure of what they want to do with their lives, but Janie is smart, determined and independent.

Janie is a smart woman when she obeys her grandmother and marries a man that she chooses for her. Her grandmother suggests that she marries Logan Killicks because he seemed to show interest in Janie by always coming by their house everyday (Hurston 13). After being with Logan, Janie realizes that she has no love for Logan. He wasn’t romantic or nice to her and he certainly did not make her feel happy. He even threatened to kill her with an axe. Janie eventually realizes that Logan was not right for her. Leaving the marriage with Logan because he didn’t treat her right makes Janie even smarter. Another

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