Should We Celebrate Columbus Day Be Celebrated

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Columbus day should not be celebrated as a holiday because Columbus tortured and killed many native Americans while on his voyage, he was not the first to find the land he discovered, and he never set foot in what is known today as the United States of America.
Christopher Columbus is thought to be the founder of the U.S. and the first man to step foot on the land. He is also praised for the discoverment of the New World which consisted of him finding various Caribbean islands, the Gulf of Mexico, and the South and Central American mainlands. Columbus and his journeys were the beginning stepping stones for the long process that eventually produced the United States of America(Textbook 48). Columbus’s discovery was in great magnitude because it was greater than any other discoveries at that time and other discoveries stemmed from it (Textbook 48). His voyages opened gateways for other explorations and he was one of the first to make a trip like that across the Atlantic ocean. Although Columbus and the Europeans enslaved millions of native americans and brought over deadly diseases, sacrifices like these have to be made in order to achieve further process in their discoveries(Textbook 48). However, Columbus day should not be celebrated due to the fact he did not step
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Columbus landed in various Caribbean islands that are now the Bahamas, which means he was just south of where he thought the U.S. was(Strauss 5). He explored the Central America and South America coasts when he landed on the islands but he never made it far enough to discover the U.S. coast (Strauss 5). Although Columbus made tremendous voyage’s from Spain to the Americans in a conquest to discover new land, he never discovered what is now the United States and therefore should not be given the credit of doing

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