Should Huckleberry Finn Should Be Banned In Schools Essay

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Books carry meanings in the stories they tell, and to some, the way the book and in term the author tells a story, could be controversial but when a story that carries themes and tones that many claim are unsuited towards a large audience the original meaning is threatened to be lost. Many schools across America have been banning The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain over its use of racism mainly the use of the “n-word” while others praise the book and its messages. The main controversies surrounding Huck Finn is whether the book should be allowed in classrooms in its original form, removing the original form and replacing it with another form of American literature or replacing the “n-word” with the word “slave” all sides include valid arguments. When it comes down to it, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a classic in American literature that teaches valuable lessons of friendship, treating others like people, and to not grow up like society says so. My side of the argument is that the book should remain the way it is as taking away its original form not only excludes an old classic but it also prevents those willing to learn about the time period and the struggles …show more content…
On one side of the debate, there is the idea of allowing The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in schools in its original form. The book itself has themes that inspire more than just classroom activities but has themes that apply to not only treating those as equals but also giving insight into the time in America where owning other people and treating them like lesser human beings. Throughout the book, there is a relationship between the main character, Huckleberry Finn, and runaway slave, Jim, where Huck slowly begins to respect Jim as a human despite the norms at the time telling him that such an action should be frowned upon. The relationship between Huck and Jim spans multiple

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