The population of interest for this study were employed women (ranging in ages from 18-45) living in the United States. A list of employees from four different types of occupations were used as a sampling frame to form a population to sample from. Employment records from traditionally male-dominated workplaces: Engineering and police work as well as from female-dominated workplaces: nursing and reception work (INSERT CITATION FROM WEBSITE). By using this sampling frame, it should represent a variety of different women socio-economic classes. Women were recruited based on random selection based on age and occupation within a given company. Participants were compensated $25 dollars for their participation. To help aid in involvement a cover letter from the head of their departments encouraging participation with the study was also presented at the beginning of the mail survey. Surveying a sample size of 240 women currently employed, a total of 60 women clustered by age and gender from each company. Of the 60 women from each company a simple random sample of 50% will be chosen for inclusion of this study. Since I am interested in women’s motherhood experiences, I wanted to limit my focus women between the ages of 18 of 45 since women are delaying their childbearing till about their 30’s (Livingston, 2015). By limiting the age range, gender, and occupation it will help present information based on my target sample. There could be difficulty in drawing a sample from the sampling frame; by clustering participants before randomly selecting final participants could limit participant variation. However, the study sample is limiting in respect to teenage mothers and older (45+) mothers since they are not represented in the study. Other foreseeable limitations with the sampling design include foreign representation since non-members of the population are also not included in the sampling frame. The purpose of this study is to determine whether a specific bias effects women’s experience of sexism in the workplace. Strategy for Analysis All women selected for inclusion in this study will be asked to complete a short 10-minute survey regarding workplace environment and hypothetical situations that include characteristics of gender bias, motherhood bias, and ideal worker bias. …show more content…
This survey will provide a detailed account of women’s experiences and attitudes that will be useful in examining and refining reduction and prevention measures in regard to sexism in the workplace. As previously discussed, a letterhead of support and encouragement from the head of the department will be attached to the front of the mail-survey. To protect anonymity names and address of participants will be properly discarded that the earliest convenience and participants will be referred to as a code number. By disregarding personal information and identifiable information of the participants their confidentiality is also maintained. Participation in this survey is completely voluntary and there is no chastisement for choosing not to participate. Since there is no form of deception occurring in this current study, a debriefing will not be needed. To minimize inaccurate results a survey introduction will instruct participants to answer honestly, to the best of their abilities, and to complete the survey leaving no question unanswered. This type of data collection represents quantitative data, since it is a randomized survey design internal validity is relatively strong. There is little threat of history, maturation, and testing effects since is it a one-time short survey. There is no comparison between different or unequal groups so