• None
• Shana Forman
• We met in the dining room after our Social Work IV class at the UM-Tupelo campus.
Where is the task group in terms of developmental stages? In our task group the evidence from Tuckman’s development model forming, storming, norming, and performing helped us establish where we needed to start. Each one of these steps builds off the previous one and with every new piece of research it helps the process repeat itself. The stage we had come to was the norming stage. In this meeting decisions were made on our topics and members agreed that each role we had was on the right track. Our group suggested that we establish a flyer to hand …show more content…
In today’s meeting the system theory seemed to cover most of the elements that we discussed in our task group. Our members showed more adaption, maintenance, and understanding as a group. I also, noticed that our communication was a lot stronger and we had less cohesion. We all discussed and shared our ideas on a more professional level. The psychodynamic theory brought influence to our task group too. I noticed that Penny brought some great literature to the table about education. This will help the grandparents learn the way education is taught today to the new generation of children. Kaitlyn found some great information on how mental health. This information explains how it affects a grandparent and grandchild. The psychodynamic theory helped us as a task group gain more skills in research and helped us on a more interpersonal level. When I talk about the psychodynamic theory primarily focuses on the learning theory. The first theorist that came to mind was Bandura. He came up with four factors in social learning such as attention, retention, reproduction, and motivation. Jasmine, payed attention as a leader and listen to all of our suggestions. She made sure we all were comfortable with any changes that she made and that we were aware of them as well. In the beginning there was some cohesion because Kim and Penny were still confused on what we were supposed to be doing. I caught myself talking over Jasmine and she brought in a timer so, all of us would have time to have a turn to talk about our parts. Angel brought it to our attention when we needed to turn in our assignments. As individuals we all had different behaviors during this time some of us were aggravated, some was quiet and listening, and a few was trying to figure it all out. This is an example of how the learning theory works as individuals and how we worked through them to make this proposal come together. After we got back