Rebellion Research Papers

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Teen rebellion can appear in media that are usually from literature and films to musical compositions. The theme of rebellion in young adolescents is incredibly common, but why does one enjoy these themes the most? These works of art are diverse in their own way, but they typically accommodate the theme of teen rebellion because they attract more audiences. Many will agree that the sense of teenage rebellion in media such as William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet or Titanic directed by James Cameron has various situations in which all audiences can personally relate. Even songs have teenage rebellion themes such as My Heart Will Go On by Will Jennings and James Horner, creates many audiences to relate to its words. When one experiences or …show more content…
Accordingly, one has the frequency to acquire information of morals and lessons in these works of art. By reading and analyzing Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, one learns that our actions have consequences, but one simply becomes blinded by the presence of one’s own desire and ambitions. “Romeo and Juliet’s rebellion against her family and themselves feeds them both into the thought of thinking all their choices and decisions are just as long as their love is carried on forever (Jackson). Consequently, adolescents have the frequency to vision rules and regulations as a burden as it restricts them from their goals, thus resulting in their rebellion. The film Titanic enriches us with the lesson of believing in the unbelievable since Rose, a high-class woman, falls in love with Jack, a street artist (Titanic). In addition to morals and lessons in works of art that consider teenage rebellion, My Heart Will Go On lectures us in the powerful heart and love that a teenager holds while rebelling to protect that of which is precious to them. The song composition shows how teenagers usually hold things dear until their lasts breath when it states, “Near, far, wherever you are, I believe that the heart does, go on…” (musixmatch). Each work of art shows a different moral and lesson, but they benefit rebellious teenager’s visions of life and love

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