WELL SAID! I could not agree more. Poor treatment of others, regardless of skin color, household composition, income statistics, etc. makes me uncomfortable. When the word “racism” is mentioned, most people think of the life of slaves. In our world, racism has developed into a concept much more in-depth. For instance, the debate about which bathroom people can or cannot use or gay-lesbian marriage. The stigma that hovers over anyone that is different is heartbreaking. I must say that each and every one of us was designed differently on purpose. God intended variability within the human race. If not, we would all be exactly alike; however, I don’t believe that God intended humans to react to differences in a barbaric way, and emotionally
WELL SAID! I could not agree more. Poor treatment of others, regardless of skin color, household composition, income statistics, etc. makes me uncomfortable. When the word “racism” is mentioned, most people think of the life of slaves. In our world, racism has developed into a concept much more in-depth. For instance, the debate about which bathroom people can or cannot use or gay-lesbian marriage. The stigma that hovers over anyone that is different is heartbreaking. I must say that each and every one of us was designed differently on purpose. God intended variability within the human race. If not, we would all be exactly alike; however, I don’t believe that God intended humans to react to differences in a barbaric way, and emotionally