The word degrades those it clings to, yet those native Black (or Indian or Paki etc.) britons who deny the word “are announcing their acceptance of white perception which see third world immigrants as a blight upon this nice landscape.” The struggle comes in balancing perceptions in neither idolizing the west or persecuting the south and east. It is like you cannot be both. You are either British, completely rejecting all cultural heritage of the country your parents came from, or you or (insert immigrant country here…Indian, Pakistani, etc). People change their names for being “too disagreeably ethnic… refuse to describe [themselves] as Asian [etc.]” These non white immigrants (many not even immigrants…maybe their parents or grandparents were) are never truly seen as British. Their ‘home’ is always thought of to be whatever land their skin tone hails from. Powell sees immigrants as an “alien element,” having no right to be here, fit only for re-immigration. And even many immigrants themselves support these strict immigration laws. Why does living among people different from themselves make white britons “strangers in their own country?” To “become more English [is to become] even more
The word degrades those it clings to, yet those native Black (or Indian or Paki etc.) britons who deny the word “are announcing their acceptance of white perception which see third world immigrants as a blight upon this nice landscape.” The struggle comes in balancing perceptions in neither idolizing the west or persecuting the south and east. It is like you cannot be both. You are either British, completely rejecting all cultural heritage of the country your parents came from, or you or (insert immigrant country here…Indian, Pakistani, etc). People change their names for being “too disagreeably ethnic… refuse to describe [themselves] as Asian [etc.]” These non white immigrants (many not even immigrants…maybe their parents or grandparents were) are never truly seen as British. Their ‘home’ is always thought of to be whatever land their skin tone hails from. Powell sees immigrants as an “alien element,” having no right to be here, fit only for re-immigration. And even many immigrants themselves support these strict immigration laws. Why does living among people different from themselves make white britons “strangers in their own country?” To “become more English [is to become] even more