Queen Bee Phenomenon Analysis

Improved Essays
Describe the Queen Bee phenomenon.

According to Derks, Laar and Ellemers (2015) the queen bee phenomenon occurs when an individual in an marginalized group takes on the characteristics of the group in power and avoids contact with the marginalized group. The provide several examples where a female seeks an executive position in a company where there is an un equal distribution. The female will take on characteristics of the male and move away from other females in the company. They justify this as necessary to “get ahead”. However, it just perpetuates the power dichotomy and does not embrace the potential benefits of the feminine perspective on the team (p.2). They found this phenomenon occurred with other groups as well they identify people
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As Derks, Laar and Ellemers (2015) companies with the “queen bee” phenomenon do not see gender as an issue. The people in power positions are not able to see inequality, and they will deny it exists (p.2).

Make managers accountable for making inclusion goals, support flexible work schedules to promote balance, recruit and hire a diverse employee base (Groysberg and Connolly, 2012, p. 74). Having inclusion goals to be more diverse work force is like colleges having racial quotas. The quote system helps create a more diverse group, however if a student is not selected they begin to question the validity of the system (Cohen, 2015). Having an inclusive culture is better for the individual employees and the company (Groysberg and Connolly, 2012, p. 73).

During your practice, have you experienced an individual (female or person of a disadvantaged group) employ these or similar techniques in order to improve their personal opportunities? If so, what do you believe led to this behavior and what was the result for all parties involved? If not, why do you believe that this strategy could or could not be effective within your organization to achieve higher occupational

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