Pros And Cons Of Obama

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Politics and broken promises seem to go hand in hand in the publics eye. In Obama’s state of the union address many promises were made and for the most part they were kept. The president made references towards top issues like the economy, healthy care, and education. Obama’s speech followed through with a tone of understanding. He creates goals not just for himself but also for the people, he speaks of dropping out of school as being a fail on one self. Congress was put on the spot as well, he asked congress to join him with these decisions. The president can not necessarily pass laws himself, he can present issues he sees need to be resolved and try to get congress to pass bills. The president has inherit powers, the powers a president has given by the constitution, but if he or she would like to
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For example, when speaking of money given to big corporations rather than small businesses he seemed to be very invested in changing that . “It's not about helping banks; it's about helping people”, Obama then made reference toward congress, asking for their full contribution and support towards this policy. This next policy, is one Obama has been torturously judged for, The Health care reform or as many now know it, Obama care . He stated in his address “Already, we've done more to advance the cause of health care reform in the last 30 days than we've done in the last decade”. He also mentioned health care could no longer wait, it was an issue that had to be dealt with right away. As we now know, this reform was and will be what Obama will remain known for either negatively or positively. Although there was a great controversy with the health care reform, Obama sighed the act on March of 2010. He created affordable health care for Americans. The reform comes with great opportunities such as staying on the parent’s insurance until

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