Pros And Cons Of Iran

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While imperfect in nature, the work of Fitzpatrick suggests that the JCPOA was nevertheless a good deal in that it brought about two critical outcomes. In the first instance, Fitzpatrick suggests that merely succeeding in terms of bringing about a context in which Iran engaged with the West was absolutely critical as it demonstrated to the world that Iran was a rational actor which could be negotiated with in good faith. In the second instance, Fitzpatrick suggests that the agreement was also critically important in that it succeeded in achieving the West’s principal goal – forcing Iran to make a public commitment relating to halting its efforts towards obtaining an independent nuclear capability. Thus, because the agreement brought Iran into …show more content…
In the first instance, Rivera notes that a combination of domestic factors within Iran and the United States coalesced to make a deal more likely. On the Iranian side, Rivera notes that the high costs of sanctions, combined with fear that an American or Israeli attack might be imminent, improved the prospect for negotiations. On the American side, Rivera proposes that similar fears of a unilateral Israeli response, combined with Obama’s desire to cement a legacy in relation to Iran, contributed to the openness, which America put forth in negotiating the …show more content…
Indeed, Sherrill notes that Rouhani’s election has ushered in a new era of Iranian foreign relations in that he holds relative free rein in relation to the Ayatollahs, and a perspective on the United States and the West which is far less hostile than those held by his predecessors. With this, Rouhani’s election was, according to Sherrill, a critical juncture in terms of Iranian foreign relations inasmuch as it served to simultaneously minimize the influence of the Ayatollahs on the country’s foreign policy all the while enhancing the regime’s willingness to cooperate with the West. Thus, shifts within Iran’s political sphere were incredibly important in terms of opening the diplomatic space necessary for the

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