Persuasive Speech Against Animal Testing

Decent Essays
Persuasive Speech Animals have always been seen as the ones to help with people’s cosmetics and used as research. Animal testing is bad and should be seen as against animal laws. Animals should not be used for this kind of research because it’s cruel and unfair, feeling that animal lives matter.We should be able to help the animal and help free them of their daily labors. Animals are used daily to see how a new product will react to humans. When a product does not work properly, the animal is the one who suffers and sometimes even die. Many people believe in the animal rights and believe that there should be some new or corrected laws that are not going to affect the animals but are going to help them be better protected. This has been a very disputed topic, but there is not enough people who are willing to fight for the animals rights. Some arguments that people make is that if the animals are not used for the research, then how would we know that the product we buy are safe. It’s not like we can use the prisoners for research, because then that would be seen as inhumane, and thought that people should not be put through that pain. Then why would some people be against punishing those who have done bad if they are against animal rights. …show more content…
Most of the time the people are only thinking about the fun that they will have. In this case Braithwaite talks about fish saying “My colleagues and I in Edinburgh, Scotland, recently looked looked in to trout and found that they do,” which means that based on their research it seems that all animals have feelings. If feelings are the things that set up apart from animals, knowing know that animals feel, does that make so people change their views on the treatments towards animals? (This might cause some people to change their views, but it might also make others reinforce their

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