In June 21, 1788, the Constitution Of The United States was ratified. This document set forth the precedents on which our country now runs, and has became an example for many other countries looking to form a more perfect form of government for themselves. My foremost responsibility, is to defend this Constitution, from threats Foreign and Domestic. In times of war, it is my responsibility to do everything I can, …show more content…
Now we live in a society in which the media will report on events in a false, and sensationalizing matter. We live in a society in which the media can tell nearly straight lies, and not get called on it. At the same time, people now have the ability to at any given moment,to post online, often times posting false information. It is my responsibility, to demand a truthful media. It is my responsibility to the best of my ability, fight misinformation by providing credible information.
As of 2014, there are approximately 19.5 Million veterans in America. That is 19.5 Million men and women, who were willing to risk life and limb, to protect their fellow American. In a day and age where the American Government has abandoned its greatest citizens, It is my responsibility to support these men and women. In a day and age where the American government is willing to send 35 billion dollars to other countries in foreign aid, but allows 50 thousand US Veterans to remain homeless, it is my responsibility, to demand that the United States Veteran receives the treatment he deserves.
So at the end of the day, when all is said and done, and all the cards are on the table, it is my responsibility to defend my Constitution, to defend my country, to demand a truthful media, and to demand that the men and women who have fought for my America are treated as they deserve