Personal Narrative-Figur Figure Skating

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The sun was shining and a gentle breeze was flowing with swiftness. My mom was sitting in a booth at the birth place of my new dream. I was a six year old girl, skating with the grace of swan and remembering everything I knew from my many years of experience. And as I finished my routine I realized at that very moment what my new dream was: to go into the Olympics for figure skating. I was thrilled when my mother realized that I have a dream of the Olympics and being the best figure skater. From that point forward I practiced every day for this to be a reality. The dream is still alive, but there is much work needed to be done to receive the opportunity of a lifetime. This moment of my life is one of the most important parts that I ever had. …show more content…
I feel that without skating that my life would not have the excitement and special feelings that I so want to have in my life. The passion fills me with happiness and joy which fills my heart every time I figure skate. The world of figure skating takes pure heart, passion, and hard work to get to the goal that all figure skaters want to get to. All figure skaters want to go to the Olympics and perform to the very peak of excellence. As I grew up, I have come to appreciate figure skating more and more. I will put in the effort to make it to the top of my skill level. Olympics are the biggest opportunity for a figure skater to receive and should not be taken lightly. I learned now that I must have the experience of numerous long years of practice and determination in order to work your way to the top. I have 15 years of experience to prove that the special moment of my life has changed me for the better and now has made me a more respectful and responsible

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