Personal Narrative-2016 Cheerleading

Decent Essays
The time when I was the happiest was when I became a Bronze medalist at the 2016 Cheerleading Worlds. All season we worked non-stop making things perfect and just putting the final touches on our routine. But it was also one of the saddest moments because I spent 10 years of my life into this sport and it all comes to an end in two weeks. Me and my team Super Seniors would practice every single day for 3-4 hours at a time till we left for Disney. Every time at practice our coach told us “Stop focusing on everything else ahead of you and focus on making what you’re doing in that moment count.” But he wasn’t so wise all the time, sometimes he would yell and scream about the littlest things. As the time rolls past and the number of practices we have left descends everything starts to fall into place, people are hitting their stunts, nobody is falling in the tumbling, and no one is complaining anymore.

Well now it’s the Thursday before worlds and we
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I thought the warm-up scare was the worst part but nope it wasn’t, my main base Kansas (that’s not her real name either its Rachel) starts throwing up then as I’m looking around my best friend Alyssa starts crying and I’m trying to comfort her while also trying to help Kansas to calm down. I looked at this girl on my team named carrrt (yeah we have some weird nicknames on this team) and she says to me “What the flip is going on with everybody?” I just shake my head and say I really don’t know honestly. After all of the crying and throwing up is over we hear “AND NOW FROM RICHMOND, VIRGINA FAME SUPER SENIORS” as Alyssa and I skip out everything felt so surreal because the whole arena is yelling suuupppeerr seeniorrss and throwing up the double S. I look at alyssa and tell her she can do it then I tell my flyer bubbles I love her and get in my opening pose and close my eyes till the music

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