Ophelia Hamlet Critical Analysis

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Throughout history, females have been subjugated to the will of men and forced to live as second class citizens. Women that have tried to break from these stereotypes and advocate for their own rights and equality have often faced even harsher consequences at the hands of powerful, domineering men trying to preserve the social construct. In Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, Ophelia, a young women ambivalent of her own position in society, shows moments of outright submission and resignation, while demonstrating transitory moments of revolt and individuality towards authoritative males. Even after multiple efforts to break from the stereotypically submissive female role, Ophelia eventually becomes yet another societal victim of male dominance …show more content…
Just after Polonius reprimands Ophelia about her relationship with Hamlet, Laertes echoes similar advice, admonishing her to not stay with Hamlet due to his underlying political motives. Unlike her passive and submissive response to Polonius, Ophelia wittingly retorts, “I shall the effect of this good lesson keep As watchman to my heart. But, good my brother, Do not, as some ungracious pastors do, Show me the steep and thorny way to heaven Whiles, like a puffed and reckless libertine, Himself the primrose path of dalliance treads And recks not his own rede” (Shakespeare 33). Ophelia is able to stand up to her brother, Laertes, and replies that Laertes want to “show [her] the steep and thorny way to heaven whiles… himself… recks not his own rede”. Essentially, Ophelia recognizes the social inequalities that she must face and questions why she must behave properly at all times, while Laertes is able to be improper and immoral as “some ungracious pastors do”. For example, Laertes goes to college, while Ophelia is naturally relegated to the house, similar to almost all females at the time. Ophelia references the hypocrisy of pastors in the church itself, devout men who are supposed to be morally pure. This is one of the dualistic sides of Ophelia’s personality, a direct contrast to the distraught, submissive daughter that complies with the strict demands of Hamlet, Polonius, and Laertes. Later on in the play, after Polonius’ death, Ophelia develops a more critical and self-reliant mindset, singling out members of the monarchy and giving out flowers that represent the immoral decisions of the king and queen. Ophelia says “There’s fennel for you, and columbines.—There’s rue for you, and here’s some for me. We may call it “herb of grace” o' Sundays.—Oh, you must wear

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