Ocean Explored Research Paper

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When you are going to explore the world, that is when you realize that you are only a small human in this ginormous world like the atoms in a blueberry, that is when you realize that the world is a vast mystery waiting to be explored, that is when you realize that nothing is impossible on this unknown world. The world is like the universe, waiting to be explored.

A lot Of the Ocean is Unexplored
Scientists believe that only 5% percent of the ocean is unexplored, leaving 95% of the ocean a vast mystery. Thats not all true, any objects larger than 5 kilometers across have been mapped. New technologies and satallites have helped us a lot with exploring the ocean. The only problem is That the ocean floor blocks radio waves making some of the measurements somewhat inaccurate. 98% of __venuses__ surface has been explored with a resolution of 100 meters, with that resolution only 10% to 15% of the ocean is unexplored.

Technologies to Explore The Ocean/World
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With the 100 meter resolution 10% to 15% of the ocean is unexplored. To map certain objects we need a bigger resolution. To explore more of the ocean underwater technologies are being developed and they can come in handy when exploring the ocean floor. New technologies are leading to many new discoveries. WE can now find many new species in well explored places. In fact last year we discovered a new species of frog in New York. Less trodden areas ias a better option when you are trying to discover a new species of

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