Nostradamus: Real Or Fake?

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Nostradamus: Real or Fake? The 9/11 terrorist attack, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the rise of Hitler. What if all these events was foreseen centuries ago? Well, supposedly Nostradamus did. Nostradamus was a French seer who wrote Centuries, a massive opus containing 10 volumes each having 100 predictions for the next 2,000 years. There has been a special interest in Nostradamus and his predictions in the past years, causing many arguments between believers and non-believers of his prophecies. The two main arguments about Nostradamus’s prophecies is that they are true and will be fulfilled or that his prophecies aren’t predictions but postdictions.

Nostradamus and his prophecies has become a major interest for quite a long time since
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Many people believes in his prophecies because “as a prophet, Nostradamus had been worryingly accurate. He foretold the French Revolution three centuries before it happened, and the execution of the French king and queen, even to mentioning the small village where they were arrested and what they were wearing” (Did this year’s floods). Seems pretty amazing since he even mentioned what clothes they wore and where they were. Additionally, Nostradamus also succeeded in predicting the death of King Henri, the prophecy foretold that Henri would die from his eye getting pierced and he did, in a jousting match. His opponent’s lance pierced Henri’s eye and he died 10 days later from infection (Nostradamus: Biography). This further proves that Nostradamus may be a real prophet and we should pay more more attention to his prophecies for future events. Nostradamus also predicted the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1984, it was mentioned in this line in one of his prophecies, “The wall in the east will fall- thunder and lightning” (Ridge 48). In addition to all of these events, Nostradamus also predicted the execution of Charles 1 of England and the Spanish Civil War, he even mentioned the leader of the Civil War by name, Francisco Franco (Did this year’s floods). With all of this evidence, it would be pretty hard to not think that Nostradamus might …show more content…
Nostradamus has supposedly predicted quite a lot of events that many people know of in the present, such as the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Spanish Civil War. On the other hand, there is still some evidence that contradicts the believers, since Nostradamus’s prophecies do start to make sense after the happened. Even though there isn’t that many evidence for these two theories, the evidence for the postdictions theory seems to be more reliable and reasonable. There is a quote by Neil Armstrong that show that prophecies are unreliable in the present, “Science has not yet mastered prophecy. We predict too much for the next year and yet far too little for the next

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