My Tribe The Crees Analysis

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Culture is an influental aspect in the lives of those that identify with it, shaping the views, beliefs, and values of the people. How these knowledge systems are shared is another thing. Many cultures, such as that of the Cree people, depend on oral tradition to share most teachings. In the society we know today, various methods have risen allowing for a myriad of people to be exposed. One way that knowledge can be shared is through literature. The books My Tribe the Crees by Joseph Dion, and The Plains Cree by David Mandelbaum will be contrasted to effectivly demonstrate the credibility and accuracy of the portrayal of Cree culture through the individual perspective of each author, and the contribution of the literature to society.
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As previously mentioned, Dion is a Cree man, and as such writes from an Indigenous view point. In doing so, he is able to adequatly describe not only specific charachteristics of the culture but the treatment that Indigenous people often face as well. On page 188, Dion states that terms such as savages, squaws, and pagans are still being used, and the impact that those terms have one the Indigenous community. These derogatory terms are used not only to dehumanize those targeted, but to paint a picture of an ‘uncivalized, savage community’ which his book works to address (Dion, 1996). The recognition of issues like these can not be appropriatly represented by someone that does not endure the racial disrimination apparent in our society towards an ever present Indigenous community. Through Dions perspective influenced by his Indigenous heritage and upbringing, he writes from a place of understanding and advcation as he proves to show the true colours of his people: community, love, humour and generosity. Mandelbaum writes from a different perspective which too is influenced by his cultural …show more content…
It is important to note that although Mandelbaum is not Indigenous, that it does not take away from the respect he holds for the Indigenous culture. He takes an undoubtably deferential, and humble approach to his writing through the thorough, and meticulous research that was comitted. Mandelbaums opinion was not sused as substantiated evidence, but rather a wide range of sources were used from a multitude of authors with distinct perspectives and influences to ensure accuracy and reliability. This proves that Mandelbaum recognises how his social location has impacted his perspective as it is not enough to write about a culture you are not a part of. It takes a long time to write a book, and his choosing to write about Cree culture demonstrates his dedication and respect to furthering not only his knowledge on Cree culture, but in expanding, and educating the minds of others. His dedication to aquiring knowledge regarding Indigenous culture is present though his choice in In Mandelbaums book, the history, traditons, ceremonies, and epidemics were covered, where he removed his perspective in attempt to convey as accurate a portrayal as possible. Regaurdless of intentions, Christianity has an incessant grip on our

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