My First Prognosis: My Journey To Tokyo University

Improved Essays
My First Prognosis

Thoughts of the support of my wife and smile from my son filled my head as I continued my train ride to a local hospital. If someone had asked me how my day at school was or what I did, I am sure I could not remember anything. I only knew I had to know what was wrong with me. I was heading to Tokyo University, the largest and most famous hospital in Japan.

I changed trains twice to get to the hospital as my mind began to feel like a meandering river. So many thoughts seemed to attack me from all sides of my head and it was like I was being battered in a boxing match already poised to throw in the white towel. The crowded train seemed to suffocate me even more, but I finally got the closest train station to the university
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I was definitely putting too much pressure on myself until I saw this beautiful bird fly straight across the already warm late afternoon sky. How free it seemed to fly and just the sight of that bird seemed to help me relax. I took one quick deep breath and continued to walk toward the hospital. I arrived exactly forty-six minutes after boarding my train from my school, and I was happy to be there. The walk to the hospital took only five minutes, but my legs still felt very heavy and despite viewing such an elegant bird, my mind seemed to feel the same. I looked briefly at a sign on the tall building I was approaching and it read Tokyo University Hospital. I held the front door open for an elderly person leaving and then entered …show more content…
She did not have a forlorn look on her face, but it was more of a mystery or surprised look. Before speaking, she reached behind her for a rather thick medical book. She flicked her fingers through the pages and then calmly said to me, your skin problem is called ‘necrobisosis lipoidica diabeticorum’. She handed me the heavy book and I read the short definition of this new medical term I have never heard of nor could I pronounce. She then mentioned that I was the first patient she had ever seen with this skin problem. I gazed into her eyes wanting to know more as a tear formed at the edge of my right eye. Her eyes showed no fear in

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