Moral Lesson: The Classic Idea Of Religion

Improved Essays
The classic idea of religion can be summarized in a series of stories that try to teach a moral lesson. The problem arises when these stories are taken as absolute truth. When this happens, facts are obscured, experimentation is overlooked and common sense is crushed and thrown away. For millennia, religion has tried to reshape the world to fit the bible, an action that slowed down advances in technology and kept us away from knowledge.

Those who read and study the Sacred Scriptures have an approach to history that they’re not shy to share. Ken Ham states that the Earth is only 6000 years old (Ham,1999) overlooking all scientific evidence that proves that the age of our planet is around 4.5 billion years. In his dissertation, Ham relies on
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One of the most familiar stories on this topic is the imprisonment that Galileo Galilei had to suffer for his proclaim that the Earth was not the center of the universe (Hellman, 1998). He imprisonment of one of the greatest minds in history slowed down technological advances and imposed fear in those who shared his beliefs.

Science and religion are not enemies, still, there’s a correlation between atheism and scientific inclinations. While 95% of the USA population believes in God, only around 51% of the scientific community does, scoring as low as 7.5% in areas such as physics or 5.5% in biology (Lamb, 2010). This survey shows that religious people tend to be less inclined towards the sciences.

In conclusion, Religion is based on a book that is taken as a historical record instead of what it actually is: a fantasy book. If someone thought that the Harry Potter saga was real we wouldn’t take him/her seriously, still, the Bible is somehow different. Teaching children that the answers to al questions are written somewhere in a book is lying to them. The flame of ingenuity must be strengthened and the thirst for knowledge encouraged. If we don’t, we might miss the next Albert

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