Modern Television Has Affected American Culture

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Matt was cheering for the Atlanta Falcons as they scored the winning touchdown, while Jessica catching up on the latest episode of The Flash, and her parents were watching a reality show in their home theater. All eyes in the house were glued to a screen. Television plays a huge role in American culture. Television has made families more isolated and the whole nation more divided.

Television has made families more isolated. In the past years, families used to huddle together on the sofa to watch television shows. Nowadays, families tend to watch their own shows in private. As stated in the article, “Television Transformed,” “Not so long ago, when Ella’s parents were her age, such a scene would have been unimaginable.” This shows that modern television is changing. This affects America because there will be less social interaction among families.
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Per the, “The Box That Changed America,” “ everyone got to watch the same television show no matter where they were in the country. Nowadays, television channels and shows are different for people depending on where they reside. This is slowly dividing the nation because everyone has different views of matters. For example, if an economic recession were to occur due to loss in trade, northern television shows would blame the southerners. Meanwhile, the southern television would inform that the northerners were to blame. These different viewpoints can lead to major political battles and skirmishes. Television plays a major role in many Americans’ lives. Television impacts American culture because it isolates families and divided the country apart. If television did not exist, most americans would have lost a huge

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