Lust In Romeo And Juliet

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In Romeo and Juliet, it is said that they are lovers and ultimately meant to be together.However they were just in lust with each other. Romeo and Juliet are just in lust because Romeo ever so quickly goes from Rosaline to Juliet,without taking time to really get to know Juliet or Rosaline.The love of Romeo and Juliet moves at such a fast pace,one day they have just met and then the next they are falling in love and getting married.Romeo and Juliet's love ends with them both dying, which might have been a way for them to get out of their marriage. Romeo and Juliet were always having some type of problem that would ruin their relationship and cause more harm than it did good. In the beginning of the play Romeo is telling Benvolio about his love for Rosaline.”A sick man in sadness makes his will.A word ill urged to one that is so ill.In sadness,cousin,I do love a woman.”(Romeo and Juliet 1.1.211) As you see here Romeo is expressing his undying love for Rosaline and how he urnies to be with her.Benvolio's way of cheering up Romeo is to make sexual innuendos and then tell him that if they go to the Capulet party he will forget how in love he is with this Rosaline girl.Romeo is fixated on the idea of being

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