To Kill A Mockingbird Paternalism Analysis

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This paternalistic theme continues in Lee’s work. This time, Lee denounces Northern liberalism. When Scout starts first grade she meets Miss Caroline, her new teacher who is implemented a new method of teaching that Jem incorrectly calls the Dewey Decimal system. While the Dewey Decimal system refers to the library classification, Crispino argues that the new method of teaching Scout is referring to the is the methods taught by John Dewey. Dewey has been described as "a philosopher who combined the stubborn perseverance of a New England farmer with the zeal of a reckless liberal,” (Untermeyer 287). Miss Caroline, a woman from North Alabama and the closest thing to a Yankee in Maycomb took exception to the fact that Scout was literate. Miss Caroline said that Atticus shouldn’t teach Scout anymore because he “does not know how to teach,” (Mockingbird 19). In Lee’s eyes, northern liberals want to change the region, but don’t understand it 's supposed social complexities. Miss Caroline first becomes exposed to the the Southern social structure during lunchtime on the first day. After the town children leave, the others brought up the molasses buckets. All …show more content…
However, Atticus comes from a long line of law and order Southern liberals who treat African Americans as a child-like race that needs the guidance and wisdom of the white man. Harper Lee posits a view of the Civil Rights movement where Southern liberals are the guiding force and African-Americans are simply passive characters who serve as messengers in the struggle for a citizenship that Harper argues they aren’t ready for. These paternalistic tendencies follow Atticus through the years. During the Depression era, it makes him America’s racial hero. During the Civil Rights era, it makes him the

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