Left Realism In Street Crime

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From the 1980s, some sociologists have established a viewpoint known as left realism. Left realism begun in Britain where it was a response to the regulations of neo-conservatism and also the Thatcher government. The theory concentrates on the experiences of an offender and challenges to understand their perception on being a victim. Left realism is also known as a political catalyst against the bourgeois domination.
Left realism primarily focuses on street crime as street crime is mostly the sort of crime that is performed in inner city areas. This is because the theory believes that crime is not concerned with a long analysis of what constitutes crime, however it is the content to define crime as what is contained in the legal code. For example,
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The square includes four interrelating rudiments such as the offender, victim, state agencies, and the public. The social relationships between each element on the square is followed by the relationship between the police and the public that regulates the effectiveness of policing orders, the relationship between the victim and the offender which determines the influence of crime and also the relationship between the multi-agencies and the offender which may result in a major factor such as reoffending. In addition, the significance of classifying the square of crime is to illustrate that crime is not built up by the criminal justice system or a process which is consisting of some behaviors that break regulations however a complex relation between them. Left realism argues that researching appropriate responses that will address the needs of victims, as well as supporting programs and policies that reduce offending before it occurs and respond effectively when offences do occur. For example, people who experience relative deprivation are more likely to …show more content…
This is because people may compare themselves to another individual’s life who may be from the mutual age, gender and ethnicity and also may have a higher role in life. This could motivate criminals into acting delinquent in order to gain their desires to feel less relatively deprived. However, left realism believes that if there were more opportunities for people such as more jobs, educational choices and requirements for people who may suffer from mental disabilities and also community opportunities such as youth clubs, this would be a better reaction for society as a

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