Kouzes And Posner's Student Leadership Practices Inventory

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Having had a very basic knowledge of what leadership entailed before becoming an Organizational Leadership major, this major has not only helped me reflect on my own understanding, but grow in it as well. Through taking leadership courses and learning from great leader’s writings, the knowledge I have gained is unmeasurable, and will aid in developing my professional career moving forward. After taking Kouzes and Posner’s Student Leadership Practices Inventory, I have become even more aware of what my abilities as a leader are and what areas I need to improve in. In this paper I will be reflecting on my given results in the areas of modeling the way, inspiring a shared vision, challenging the process, enable others to act, and encourage the heart. To conclude, I will highlight personal strategies …show more content…
Model The Way
According to Kouzes and Posner’s Student Leadership Practices Inventory, Model The Way refers to “clarifying values by finding your voice and affirming shared values” and “setting the example by aligning actions with shared values” (p. 6). For this practice my score averaged out to 6 points above observers’ averages (p. 17). With this practice focusing on values, Kouzes and Posner reminds readers that, “people admire most, those who believe strongly in something, and who are willing to stand up for their beliefs.” (p. 46). Upon reading my results, I was surprised by how evenly spread out my scores were for this practice. I gave myself higher scores on behavior scale that involved more commitment and understanding, two qualities that I believe I have developed through my experiences

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