Knight's Armor Research Paper

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Knights Armor Here at school, we are given ten concepts to focus which are known as The Knight’s Armor. Those ten concepts help our relationship to grow with our Heavenly Father. The Knight’s Armor can be applied to anyone’s life. We should not only use The Knight’s Armor while we are at school, but in every other subject in life. Government is a just one of the topics we can use the ten concepts of The Knight’s Armor with, but there are only six listed below. In government, we need to be God-Worshippers. As human beings, we are called to worship God everyday of our lives. Not everyone is a Christian and not everyone knows the Lord we worship. I hope people realize it is our Christian duty to vote for government officials who are religious …show more content…
Simple throwing away trash into garbage cans instead of on the ground is considered being a Creation-Caretaker. Well, at least I consider that being a creation-caretaker. Picking up trash from the ground is just a small act towards taking care of the beautiful world given to us by our Heavenly Father above. There are many different performances people can do to be a care taker of our world. As people, I feel like, it is natural to destroy things. Trees have been destroyed to create more room along with lumber. Clean water has been turned into dirty water. So many other things destroyed because humans thought it was best. Governments, no matter which type (state, federal, etc.) can make a difference in the creation of the world. An example is State Parks being set up so trees and plants cannot be …show more content…
Being a prayer-intercessor means to be willing to give praise to God no matter what the circumstance is. A prayer-intercessor praises the Lord in the happiest time of his life, but also at the worst and lowest time of his life. 1 Timothy 2:1-3 says, “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people — for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior.” This means to pray to God in every point of life and it will give Him

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