Everyone has the opportunity to move out of the working class and move to a better standard of living. That is essentially the definition of the “American Dream”. It is working your way up from rock bottom. It takes a lot of innovation, confidence, failure, and work to make your way up. It is definitely possible. A lot of the “bourgeoisie” and “stingless drones” also take upon gigantic responsibility when operating their respectful companies or businesses. If the business or company goes out of business, the worst thing for the workers is that they have to find another job. The risk factor for the owners is much greater. They could lose almost everything they own if their corporation or business is shut down. Although not every executive position is equal, there is a lot of work and risk involved they should be representative of the wage they …show more content…
Materialism is part of human nature. People go to work every day with the feeling that their earning something they can use to spend on things on a later time for need, use, and leisurely activities. If you get rid of materialism, people would be dreading going to work especially when Marx puts it like we are working for the good of society. We are also very individualistic by nature therefore we will have a stronger want to work for ourselves instead of working for each other. This creates a better work environment and overall a better