John Milton Research Paper

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John Milton was a Protestant Christian who read and believed in the New Testament, but also believed in the liberty to worship at will and to accept or reject Gods’ grace. “Showing how good, how gainful, how happy it must needs be to live according to honesty and justice” (Reason, 640) Although Milton strongly valued his Christian views and communicated his concerns; he respected the common man and his belief, hoping for some scripture that entailed humility and discipline for all.
“For who is there who does not identify the honor of this country with his own? And what can conduce more the beauty or glory of ones country than the recovery, not only of it’s civil, but it’s religious liberty?” (Second, 818). Milton himself had several concerns
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If you and your partner do not share a companionship, you should have the option to divorce. Milton married a young Mary Powell, who was about half his age who abandoned him later that year, this event in his life triggered his motive to fight for marriage and divorce for everyone. “But all ingenious men will see that the dignity and blessing of marriage is placed rather in the mutual enjoyment of that which the wanting soul needfully seeks than of that which the plenteous body would joyfully give away” (Doctrine, 710). Here he states that marriage is more than the joy of the body (sex) would give away, but it must be mutual to be …show more content…
For example, in Licensing Act of 1643, Milton’s early work only just saw the light of day since parliament censored all publication from authors in that time. “For books are not absolutely dead things, but do contain a potency of life in them to be as active as that soul was whose progeny they are. “But he who destroys a good book, kills reason itself, kills the image of God” (Aero, 720-721). Milton argues that the government should not be one who sensors you, but you should be responsible for your own censorship. We needed to read to know the difference between right and wrong, what was practical and impractical. How often are you governed by reason when the government is run by a monarchy? “God uses not to captivate under a perpetual childhood of prescription, but trusts him with the gift of reason to be his own chooser” (Aero,

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