Jem's Childhood In To Kill A Mockingbird

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The novel by Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird is an awesome book that takes place in Alabama during the Great Depression. This novel is about the sister Scout and the brother Jem learning the ethic and moral from their father, Atticus. Family members, neighbors; also experiencing through the events in their life. Back during Jem’s childhood, he shows immaturity and violates his father’s words; however, as he gets older he has accomplished on how to be a responsible brother, and uses his own logic to make decisions. In the novel, after Jem and Scout got to know Dill and became friends. Jem began to tell Dill about the Radley’s house, about Boo. After the story, Dill is curious about Boo so he made a dare with Jem, Dill urge him to go up and touch the house; …show more content…
Jem and Scout were noted that Bob will get a revenge on Atticus, but it was actually on them. On the way back home from Scout’s school show; Jem and Scout heard someone was following them. At first they thought it was a friend trying to scare them, but when they yelled his name and told him to come out, no one responded. When they started to hurry back home; Bob was the one following Jem and Scout came running towards them, Jem screamed “Run, Scout! Run! Run!” (222). And trying to get Bob off of Scout, trying to keep him away from hurting Scout. From this situation, it allows me to see that Jem knows that he will be harmed by Bob but, he still decided to protect Scout and tell her to run away from the danger. Jem has demonstrated the real bravery and displayed that he knows the responsibilities that he have for Scout. Generally speaking, the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird was a well-known and successful classical. This novel by Harper Lee illustrated to have your own ethical and moral. As Jem going through more events and people, he became a responsible brother for Scout; a responsible adult that knows how to deal with certain

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