Janie Character Analysis

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Janie had different feelings in all three of the different relationships. Janie’s three husbands all had their differences. All the men were Janie’s spouses at once upon a time. They all had different personalities but still had some type of high social status in the society they live in. They all behaved differently, in lifestyle as well as their relationship with Janie, they all shared certain similarities. Janie compares her ideal of love sitting under a pear tree. She wanted love like a pear tree that fulfilled her intellectually, emotionally, spiritually and physically. The first husband Logan Hicks was a wealthy, old, ugly man. He was interested in marrying Janie, but Janie was so disgusted because of the …show more content…
He also told her if you were mines you wouldn’t have to worry about farming. He told her he was going to Eatonville and help build and make the town. Janie left Logan that next morning because he told her if she leaves he wouldn’t care and he also threatened her. Janie left with Joe and headed to the Eatonville. When they got to the town Joe had money and wanted to buy property and be big in Eatonville. Joe accomplished that and became the mayor of Eatonville and Janie's second husband. He was self-centered man who has the power to get other people to do what he wants. Janie thought she had found love with Joe until be started to antagonize her. She couldn’t speak her mind or even where her hair. He starts to hit Janie and wanted her to be submissive. Janie learned quickly that the feeling she thought was love for Joe was not love. Joe and Janie’s Relationship was not build on love. Joe action made Janie grow emotionally. By Joe treating Janie as a prop she starts to ball up emotions because she wanted to talk and have fun with the town people but couldn’t because of Joe beating and yelling at her if she did so. Joe got sick and tried to accuse Janie of trying to poison him. When Joe died, Janie didn’t feel type of way but free. Janie let down her hair and she felt free of Joe and his rule and accusations. Janie spirit was free of

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